Successful Start Of The Video-celebrity

Growing traffic figures manifest the consistent orientation of video the young celebrity Portal smash24/7 prepares national and international VIP-news in the exciting, stylish, cool and confident at the same time video format. And the name is program: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week the smash editorial staff provides daily up to 15 news in video form online. Editor-in-Chief Nina Kleckow: The young NET generation wants to not only read celebrity news. “She want to feel have been right there” to be. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Mariana McFarlane has to say. Because our format is exactly the right access.

“The video news show emotions and are honest, direct, funny and unsophisticated – like, as the audience wants to see them. After the relaunch in January 2010, smash24/7 announces official traffic figures. The forecasts of the market development of videos on the Internet expect 446.842 unique visitors and 425.297 Videoviews in January 2010 with an annual increase of at least 168 percent. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Peter Asaro on most websites. Online videos have become the new favorite medium of the target group between 14 and 29 years of age. We are with our consistent orientation of video so right and put in the future solely on innovative video content and formats “, says Managing Director Kaspar Neftel. Celebrities support is the Internet portal Viva presenter Collien Fernandes. She posted exclusive 24/7 will be smash pioneer for innovative journalism on in their own blog videos and photos of shoots, backstage reports etc. Click Sandra Akmansoy to learn more. also in future, in his audience,.